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Made by Bryan Guner
Hi there everyone! Welcome to my GitHub profile!
🔭 Contract Web Development Relational Concepts
🌱 I'm currently learning React/Redux, Python, Java, Express, jQuery
👯 I'm looking to collaborate on Any web audio or open source educational tools.
🤝 I'm looking for help with Learning React
👨💻 All of my projects are available at
📝 I regularly write articles on medium && Web-Dev-Resource-Hub
💬 Ask me about Anything:
📫 How to reach me
⚡ Fun fact I played Bamboozle Music Festival at the Meadowlands Stadium Complex when I was 14.
A Random Walk Down Wall Street
Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy
Designing recording software/hardware and using it
Try harder and listen to your parents more (the latter bit of advice would be almost certain to fall on deaf ears lol)
I built a platform that listens to a guitarist's performance and automatically triggers guitar effects at the appropriate time in the song.
Is it to basic to say Tesla... I know they're prevalent now but I've been an avid fan since as early as 2012.
Having really good ideas and forgetting them moments later.
A text
Creating things that change my every day life.
Modern Physics... almost changed my major after that class... but at the end of the day engineering was a much more fiscally secure avenue.
Learned to code ... and sing
*Disclaimer: The following wisdom is very cliche ... but... "Be the change that you wish to see in the world."
Mahatma Gandhi
| | ## Portfolio:
Languages: | JavaScript ES-6, NodeJS, HTML5, CSS3, SCSS, Bash Shell, SQL, MATLAB, Python, C++, Mathematica, JSON |
Frameworks / Libraries: | React, Redux, ExpressJS, Gatsby, NextJS, Ant-Design, Loadash, Sequelize, GraphQL, AJAX, Jest, Mocha, jQuery, Electron |
Databases: | PostgreSQL, MongoDB, SQlite3 |
Tools: | Figma, Adobe XD, GitHub, GitLab, Excel, VSCode, Sublime Text, Atom, Google Analytics, Bootstrap, Tailwind, FontAwesome |
Tools (continued): | Docker, Firebase, Postman, Wordpress, Chrome Dev Tools, Jira, Trello, Confluence, Firebase, AWS S3, Okta, Algolia, Loadash |
Hosting: | Heroku, Netlify, Vercel, Wordpress, Cloudfare, AWS, Firebase, Digital Ocean |
Operating Systems: | Linux, Windows (WSL), IOS |
Gatsby GraphQL-Blog Live Site |GitHub
Stack: JavaScript, React / Gatsby | GraphQL | SCSS | Lodash | Jamstack | Facebook Comments API | jQuery | Firebase
Aweb development blogfeaturing convenient web development tools and interactive content
Autonomously Triggered Guitar Effects Platform** Live Site| GitHub**
Stack: C++ | Python | MATLAB | PureData
Platformdesigned to analyze a time sequence of notes and autonomously trigger guitar effects ata predetermined point in the song
Data Structures Interactive Teaching ToolLive Site |** GitHub**
Stack: jQuery | ExpressJS | Google Analytics |Algolia Full Text Search | Amazon S3
Awebsitefor visualizing and practicing data structures and algorithms in JavaScript & Python
Product Development Engineer | Cembre*, Edison, NJ__|*Oct 2019 - Mar 2020
Family Promise Service Tracker
Full Stack Web Development Intern | Remote | Sept 2021 - Present Live Site |GitHub
Stack: React | Redux | ExpressJS | Figma | Okta | AWS
Anappbuilt to helps local communities provide services to address the root causes of family homelessness
May 2020 - Nov 2021
Six-month immersive software development course with a focus on full stack web development. Over 2000 hours of work invested including class time, homework, and projects.
B.S. Electrical Engineering , TCNJ, Ewing NJ 2014 – 2019
Knowledge of circuit boards, processors, chips, electronic equipment, and computer hardware and software, including applications and programming.
the method string.replaceAll(search, replaceWith) replaces all appearances of search string with replaceWith.
const str = 'this is a JSsnippets example';
const updatedStr = str.replace('example', 'snippet'); // 'this is a JSsnippets snippet'
The tricky part is that replace method replaces only the very first match of the substring we have passed:
const str = 'this is a JSsnippets example and examples are great';
const updatedStr = str.replace('example', 'snippet'); //'this is a JSsnippets snippet and examples are great'
In order to go through this, we need to use a global regexp instead:
const str = 'this is a JSsnippets example and examples are great';
const updatedStr = str.replace(/example/g, 'snippet'); //'this is a JSsnippets snippet and snippets are greatr'
but now we have new friend in town, replaceAll
const str = 'this is a JSsnippets example and examples are great';
const updatedStr = str.replaceAll('example', 'snippet'); //'this is a JSsnippets snippet and snippets are greatr'
def fib_iter(n):
if n == 0:
return 0
if n == 1:
return 1
p0 = 0
p1 = 1
for i in range(n-1):
next_val = p0 + p1
p0 = p1
p1 = next_val
return next_val
for i in range(10):
print(f'{i}: {fib_iter(i)}')
def quicksort(l):
# One of our base cases is an empty list or list with one element
if len(l) == 0 or len(l) == 1:
return l
# If we have a left list, a pivot point and a right list...
# assigns the return values of the partition() function
left, pivot, right = partition(l)
# Our sorted list looks like left + pivot + right, but sorted.
# Pivot has to be in brackets to be a list, so python can concatenate all the elements to a single list
return quicksort(left) + [pivot] + quicksort(right)
for file in *; do mv "$file" `echo $file | tr ' ' '_'` ; done
# Let's do it recursivley:
function RecurseDirs ()
for f in "$@"
for file in \*; do mv "$file" `echo $file | tr ' ' '_'` ; done
if [[ -d "${f}" ]]; then
cd "${f}"
RecurseDirs $(ls -1 ".")
cd ..
RecurseDirs "./"
### Copy to clipboard jQuerry
> Language: Javascript/Jquery
> In combination with the script tag : , this snippet will add a copy to clipboard button to all of your embedded
$(document).ready(function() {
$('code, pre').append('<span class="command-copy" ><i class="fa fa-clipboard" aria-hidden="true"></i></span>');
$('code span.command-copy').click(function(e) {
var text = $(this).parent().text().trim(); //.text();
var copyHex = document.createElement('input');
copyHex.value = text
$('pre span.command-copy').click(function(e) {
var text = $(this).parent().text().trim();
var copyHex = document.createElement('input');
copyHex.value = text
### Append Files in PWD
const fs = require("fs");
let cat = require("child_process").execSync("cat *").toString("UTF-8");
fs.writeFile("", cat, (err) => {
if (err) throw err;
### doesUserFrequentStarbucks.js
const isAppleDevice = /Mac|iPod|iPhone|iPad/.test(navigator.platform);
// Result: will return true if user is on an Apple device
### arr-intersection.js
function named intersection(firstArr) that takes in an array and
returns a function.
When the function returned by intersection is invoked
passing in an array (secondArr) it returns a new array containing the elements
common to both firstArr and secondArr.
function intersection(firstArr) {
return (secondArr) => {
let common = [];
for (let i = 0; i < firstArr.length; i++) {
let el = firstArr[i];
if (secondArr.indexOf(el) > -1) {
return common;
let abc = intersection(["a", "b", "c"]); // returns a function
console.log(abc(["b", "d", "c"])); // returns [ 'b', 'c' ]
let fame = intersection(["f", "a", "m", "e"]); // returns a function
console.log(fame(["a", "f", "z", "b"])); // returns [ 'f', 'a' ]
### arr-of-cum-partial-sums.js
First is recurSum(arr, start) which returns the sum of the elements of arr from the index start till the very end.
Second is partrecurSum() that recursively concatenates the required sum into an array and when we reach the end of the array, it returns the concatenated array.
//arr.length -1 = 5
// arr [ 1, 7, 12, 6, 5, 10 ]
// ind [ 0 1 2 3 4 5 ]
// ↟ ↟
// start end
function recurSum(arr, start = 0, sum = 0) {
if (start < arr.length) {
return recurSum(arr, start + 1, sum + arr[start]);
return sum;
function rPartSumsArr(arr, partSum = [], start = 0, end = arr.length - 1) {
if (start <= end) {
return rPartSumsArr(
partSum.concat(recurSum(arr, start)),
return partSum.reverse();
console.log("rPartSumsArr(arr)=[ 1, 1, 5, 2, 6, 10 ]: ", rPartSumsArr(arr));
console.log("rPartSumsArr(arr1)=[ 1, 7, 12, 6, 5, 10 ]: ", rPartSumsArr(arr1));
rPartSumsArr(arr)=[ 1, 1, 5, 2, 6, 10 ]: [ 10, 16, 18, 23, 24, 25 ]
rPartSumsArr(arr1)=[ 1, 7, 12, 6, 5, 10 ]: [ 10, 15, 21, 33, 40, 41 ]
### camel2Kabab.js
function camelToKebab(value) {
return value.replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, "$1-$2").toLowerCase();
### camelCase.js
function camel(str) {
return str.replace(/(?:^\w|[A-Z]|\b\w|\s+)/g, function (match, index) {
if (+match === 0) return ""; // or if (/\s+/.test(match)) for white spaces
return index === 0 ? match.toLowerCase() : match.toUpperCase();
### concatLinkedLists.js
function addTwoNumbers(l1, l2) {
let result = new ListNode(0);
let currentNode = result;
let carryOver = 0;
while (l1 != null || l2 != null) {
let v1 = 0;
let v2 = 0;
if (l1 != null) v1 = l1.val;
if (l2 != null) v2 = l2.val;
let sum = v1 + v2 + carryOver;
carryOver = Math.floor(sum / 10);
sum = sum % 10; = new ListNode(sum);
currentNode =;
if (l1 != null) l1 =;
if (l2 != null) l2 =;
if (carryOver > 0) { = new ListNode(carryOver);
### fast-is-alpha-numeric.js
//Function to test if a character is alpha numeric that is faster than a regular
//expression in JavaScript
let isAlphaNumeric = (char) => {
char = char.toString();
let id = char.charCodeAt(0);
if (
!(id > 47 && id < 58) && // if not numeric(0-9)
!(id > 64 && id < 91) && // if not letter(A-Z)
!(id > 96 && id < 123) // if not letter(a-z)
) {
return false;
return true;
console.log(isAlphaNumeric("A")); //true
console.log(isAlphaNumeric(2)); //true
console.log(isAlphaNumeric("z")); //true
console.log(isAlphaNumeric(" ")); //false
console.log(isAlphaNumeric("!")); //false
### find-n-replace.js
function replaceWords(str, before, after) {
if (/^[A-Z]/.test(before)) {
after = after[0].toUpperCase() + after.substring(1);
} else {
after = after[0].toLowerCase() + after.substring(1);
return str.replace(before, after);
console.log(replaceWords("Let us go to the store", "store", "mall")); //"Let us go to the mall"
console.log(replaceWords("He is Sleeping on the couch", "Sleeping", "sitting")); //"He is Sitting on the couch"
console.log(replaceWords("His name is Tom", "Tom", "john"));
//"His name is John"
### flatten-arr.js
/*Simple Function to flatten an array into a single layer */
const flatten = (array) =>
(accum, ele) => accum.concat(Array.isArray(ele) ? flatten(ele) : ele),
### isWeekDay.js
const isWeekday = (date) => date.getDay() % 6 !== 0;
console.log(isWeekday(new Date(2021, 0, 11)));
// Result: true (Monday)
console.log(isWeekday(new Date(2021, 0, 10)));
// Result: false (Sunday)
### longest-common-prefix.js
function longestCommonPrefix(strs) {
let prefix = "";
if (strs.length === 0) return prefix;
for (let i = 0; i < strs[0].length; i++) {
const character = strs[0][i];
for (let j = 0; j < strs.length; j++) {
if (strs[j][i] !== character) return prefix;
prefix = prefix + character;
return prefix;